Brickyard Pizza Review

Approximately 10:30 pm it is a quiet night in Nob Hill. I park on Harvard street because it has the nice lights that were recently put in. As I get out of my car and start heading toward Brickyard Pizza, it is dead silent. That is until I open the door and walk into the establishment! There are multiple large group tables, the bar is completely packed, and the servers are running around with their hands full. It is TUESDAY! Clearly there is something that brings people back night after night. I find a seat on the empty half of a large table and wait for my order to be taken. I’m looking around to get an idea of what’s popular. It seems that everyone has a slice of pizza in front of them and glass of beer. The server, Julia, comes around and I ask for a slice of pepperoni pizza and a Marble Double White. Several TV screens with different channels made me think of this as somewhat of a sports bar but there are no sports games on any of the screens. Instead, they had music videos, news channels, and NBC’s “Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” on silent with closed captions. Julia brought out my beer as she served another table. A cold beer hits the spot even on a cold night. It took about 10 minutes for my pizza to be ready which is usual for a pizza place. Their default slice is a thin crust New York style and when Julia put the slice in front of me, the cheese was still steaming and the pepperoni was still sizzling! Talk about fresh! Everyone knows what pizza tastes like but I’ve never had pizza like this in Albuquerque. The crust-to-sauce-to-cheese ratio is analogous with the golden ratio of the Fibonacci sequence. Every bite was a delight. I never wanted it to end but I couldn’t stop taking bite after bite. I was done in less than 5 minutes and we’re talking about a W I D E slice of pizza. I finished my beer and asked for the check. The slice was $2.99 and the brew was $4.00 which means this is also the cheapest place to get a Double White in the Nob Hill/Downtown area. Brickyard usually has Open Mic nights on Tuesday and it gets just as packed if not more so. Unfortunately, there was not an open mic when I was there but I’ve been when there is one and it’s a whole lot of fun. If you are a musician, comedian, poet, etc., you can sign up online and book a time slot of 15 minutes. The hosts are always friendly and good about keeping the schedule. 10 out of 10 recommend stopping by Brickyard Pizza for a slice and a beer.