In case you missed the Weekly Alibi’s Best of Burque Music event on Saturday, here I have some pictures and videos, with captions that capture the spirit of the Event. I asked many performers, organizers, and attendees, what their thoughts were on the event. Most people agreed saying “it was better back in the day”. I wasn’t around back in the day, and thus had fun at the 2018 event nonetheless.
I arrive and talk to my friend John who stands under the same light post every weekend to earn tips. His favorite singer and biggest inspiration being Bob Dylan, bystanders playfully joke around calling him “Burqueno Dylan”

I told him I’m covering this event for my blog.
“Do you want to sing People are Strange tonight?” John asks smiling. Other nights, after a bit of drinking, I tend to join John on the microphone. “You do a fine job” he says.
“Not tonight, John, I’m trying to be invisible” I say
“Oh. I understand” he says
“I wanna film you playing something” I tell him “Wild Horses” and without hesitation he begins
I had never seen this booth open before and had to ask for directions because i didn’t know where “The alibi building” is

Police was present but they seemed to be less present than a usual Saturday night likely due to the low attendance.

Sister was less packed and Effex was also slow in business the night of the event. Posh Lounge must’ve been having an event of their own, however, because they were bustling

First Show I got to see was one of my favorite bands in town, and favorite Duo of all time, The Talking Hours. Although their set was only 30 minutes (as was custom for every band in the showcase) they gave a hell of a show and left the audience wanting to hear more of their signature sound.
Please excuse the poor sound quality from the camera’s microphone. Read an in-depth review of their December album release here.
I walk on over to Side Effex to snap a picture of the performer there

I had never been to a show at Side Effex, and I didn’t know what to expect. The sound was decent with this lone guitar and singer, I don’t think that would translate the same with a full band due to the acoustic nature of the room.

Delphia and her fantastic band was playing at Duel Brewery. Best bassist and drummer I’ve ever seen in person. She was nominated for Best Female Vocalist.
It was sad to walk by the now-closed Burt’s Tiki Lounge.

Felix y los Gatos were at Launchpad and it was my favorite performer of the night with their Burqueno pride and chicano attitude

Although i am not fond of “Best of” shows or anything of the nature, I had a great time and would like to see more events like this in town. Better advertised and branded. Albuquerque is starting to grow in terms of culture and creativity. It is truly exciting to witness and be a part of it.
This is great! I’ve totally seen John the busker in ABQ! Keep it up!
Jess ||