Before I talk about these nachos, I want to say that I’ve had many pleasant encounters with food trucks and I can’t really say I’ve ever had an unpleasant one. Food trucks tend to have the best food because the Chef who made the recipes, also prepped the ingredients and then stands right there making his creation and then handing it to you. I see a person who decided to follow the dream of doing something they love for a living. The Chef has to be business-man, prep cook, line cook, and even cashier sometimes. Although it’s not incredibly difficult to get a food truck started, it takes a well-rounded individual with enough motivation to keep one running. So when I see a food truck, I see the hard work and I see the dream in the making!

Here they are at Dialogue Brewing and I’m not sure if that’s their usual spot but I’m sure glad they were there that time!

Anyway, about the nachos…

I don’t know about you, but this looks like Christmas in a paper tray to me. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the food truck lady hand these to someone out of the window on the side. I just made a face of disbelief at the lady and she says “Those are the wanton nachos, with queso blanco, chicken, and….” I forgot what else because she had me at wanton nachos. So there’s the wanton chips under a thicc blanket of “queso blanco” (which is likely white velveeta with a four-cheese-blend but “queso blanco” sounds much more nacho-ey) Don’t get me wrong it’s DELICIOUS. Then there’s tomatoes, serrano peppers, and my choice of sauce. I went with the Sweet’n’Spicy Chile sauce and it was AWESOME. It’s like getting smacked by a bus and kissed by your mama with every bite.
You don’t understand how good these nachos are. I love wantons and if you love wantons, you’re familiar with the melt-in-your mouth goody greasiness that happens when you bite into one. Now dip that wanton in queso. I can hear Guy Fieri saying one of his catch phrases at these nachos. And to the owner’s of kamikaze make this: Stuffed wantons that you dip in queso blanco as a cheaper “appetizer” version of this awesome dish

Kamikaze has some of the best food I’ve had in a long, long time. I tell ya, it’s all in the sauce. I end up getting a burger with these nachos because I was fat once and can eat as if I still am. The burger was phenomenally juicy and SAUCY. I tell ya, it’s in the sauce. I didn’t get a picture of the burger just so I have an excuse to go back.